In the sustainable development of port areas in terms of the protection and improvement of the water environment, Puertos del Estado considered it convenient to develop in 2005, within its Maritime Works Recommendations Program (ROM) and under the name of “ROM 5.1. Quality of Coastal Waters in Port Areas”, a first methodological and technical tool for the integral management of port water organizations, with direct impact both for the design, evaluation and environmental monitoring of infrastructure works and for Port activities and operations, without which it is very difficult to face these aspects.
Since April 2014, the Port Authority has been preparing reports in accordance with ROM 5.1. and the annual reports in which the following aspects are collected:
- Methods and procedures for the delimitation of uses and typification of port waters.
- Port’s water quality indicators system.
- Environmental risk assessment program in port waters. Program of preventive and corrective measures.
- Systematic measurement and environmental monitoring of water quality.
- Practical improvements for the environmental management of port waters.